october 1st

i had a sort of interesting dream about witches! fitting for october lol. We were at a sort of witch boarding school (def cliche) but it was all terracotta built and in the middle of the desert? it was a dry place with cacti and stuff. There was this cool girl with very long dark hair and tan skin and a serious face (ill draw her later). she was basically just wearing emmas escape outfit from TPN, a big white button up and some black pants as well as some brown boots. Tere was a test to see if she was a witch or something, so they stuck her to a stake and lit it on fire! its sort of like a trial by ordeal kind of jam. She escaped by growing these giant, beautiful wings! it was so sick. everyone wanted to be her friend after that, certainly including me. She payed no one any mind but this short girl who looked similar to her, but with short hair. She wore that very holographic splatoon 3 salmon run hat with some cyan shades, and an all black band uniform kind of outfit. She also wore very cyan sneakers. Most of the dream was me seeing everyones cool magic outside in the field, and then got ignored. the atmosphere was cool, i really wasnt a main player in it lol

october 11th

i had a dream where i was going on a new york vacation!! i needed some time off my work, so my cousin offered to take my shifts. But, for her to work for the two days, she said i needed to get her something in return. The only thing shed accept was a notebook with a png of a horse on it that costed $1,000 dollars. So i said yes ofc. While i got to new york, i was on a train to make it to an event, so i had to bring all of my belongings. Two of my friends asked me why i brought my valuables on the train with me and warned that theyd get stolen, but i had no where else to put them. #nowheretostay!! then, we made it off the train to a university area, where i saw my art teacher with a wet paper bag and a cigarette? she disappeared later idk where she went. My friend carried my laptop in her bag, and we made our way to a waiting room. I put my phone down for a second, looked back, and it was gone? but there was a guy there. he downloaded a virus to my phone and scurried away, so i went to go yell at him. He said the only way i would get my stuff back was through a dance battle. So we had a rhythm heaven style dance battle with both of our troupes and i won, so he left 53 numbered black presents behind. My stuff was in there, supposedly. It was a bunch of trinkets and bath salts, but he still had stolen my stuff. There was also an Its A Small World type ride but with real products, like a sears christmas catalouge come to life. It was actually kind of creepy. Lots of purple, crazy houses, big bushes and strange stuff. Was weirdly anxious after waking up!

october 12th

i swear i had a dream tonight!! i cant fully remember it, but i know my boyfriend was there and it was all cozy and nice :] i wanted to go back to bed because of it teehee... i love him so much :D

october 13th

SO THIS ONE IS A DOOZY. me and a few friends all worked at this country club, and were having a nice time. there was a beautiful river side with white docks and consession stands! the river was this beautiful aquamarine type colour. Eventually, for whatever reason, the workers there became evil and kept trying to kill us, so we had to escape! It started as a giant maze through this country club, imagine the kind of place people who play tennis and drink martinis would hang out. All i can remember from the escaping of the actual club was this one bit where me and my friend were in a room, imagine a house sized trailer kitchen, mhm. There were two doors we needed to pass to get through, one of which struck down the splatoon tentamissles on us. We thought that was a little much, so we went with the other door. The other door was a kareoke challenge where we had to sing a song we'd never heard as accurately as possible, while looking in a mirror. There was a music video too, but the subtitles and sound would cut out sometimes. Then, we'd always leave this club the same way. We'd go to the docks, get on a canoe, and paddle before anyone could catch us. We ended up back there multiple times, im not sure how. But, eventually we all had weapons and began to adapt. We'd usually scavange stuff from the club before we ran to have supplies. One time, we ended up in one of those optical illusion type rooms with all of the stairs that lead through different doors? you know, sometimes theyre upside down or sideways, very impossible stuff. It was full of salmonoids, namely steel eels. We decided that was not safe for us. Our final destination, after our final go through of the club, was this very DHMIS type village. We got pretty cozy. My friend got a job at a cafe where everyone who works there must dress exactly like the owner, hairstyle and all. My friend met a few goths who i guess she recognized, and they hung out at a little pumpkin patch. I was mainly just sad i couldnt tell my family or my boyfriend where i was.

october 14th

i dont remember much from this dream, but i started a hunger games club at school that was very popular! I was actually pretty damn good with a bow and arrow, and got two people down! Then i just ended up at home and ate snacks while my brother and his girlfriend hung out lol. simple dream!!