
welcome to my site!

thank you for coming to check it out! this is a place for me to learn how to code and to share my thoughts and feelings. im a student whos learning about my passions and joys!

please note that this site is always in a state of progress and is kind of in perpetual limbo. sometimes my interest in coding sort of fades away and then booms back! if some pages are broken,,, soooorrryyyyy,,,

this site is best viewed on desktop!



to do

1. link correct pages to homepage

2. finishing my about me page

3. finish my home page!

2024 - 01 - 17

guess who's got two thumbs and lied about the layout thing..... i recently regained my interest in coding so the site is back under construction :3

2023 - 06 - 05

i just added this tiny little update log to track my progress with my new layout. I think i will be sticking with this for some time. afterall, i've gotta commit!

im not sure what to put here lol